Ava: A Year of Adventure in the Life of an American Avocet
Thanks to funding from the Dorothy M. Morrison Foundation, the Kansas Wetlands Education Center created a 32-page, fully illustrated children's book. The funding provided a copy to every K-6 classroom in Barton County as well as every school and community/public library within 70 miles of the center.
Click here if you would like more information on how to purchase the book or get copies for resell.
Educators - More supplemental activities will be added as they are developed. Click on the hyperlink in captions to access materials. Contact amkern2@fhsu.edu to schedule a program in your classroom.

KNEA Reading Circle:
Ava: A Year of Adventure in the Life of an American Avocet by Mandy Kern has been selected as a "recommended title" by the Kansas National Education Association's Reading Circle Commission. For more information or to access to this recommended list visit: http://www.kneaweb.org/knea-reading-circle/
2022 Kansas Notable Books:
The 2022 Kansas Notable Books list annually recognizes 15 books written by Kansans or about Kansas. Kansas Notable Books is a project of the Kansas Center for the Book, a program at the State Library of Kansas which is the state affiliate of the Library of Congress Center for the Book. Check out the 2022 author list at: https://kslib.info/849/Kansas-Notable-Books
Listen to the KPR Presents interview with Kaye McIntyre about the book!