October WILD - Bird Mask
Date: 10/30/2022 1:30 PM - 10/30/2022 4:00 PM
Event Details
Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day AND get a jump on your Halloween costume and make a bird mask! In this come-and-go activity, school-age kids will learn how a variety of bird species dress up with their colorful plumage. Decorate a bird mask to take home! We'll also show you how to use the free Merlin app. Walk our nature trail and see how many bird calls the program can identify!
The 2022 theme for World Migratory Bird Day is "Dim the Lights for Birds at Night." Light pollution attracts and disorients nocturnally migrating birds, making them more likely to land in areas where they are more vulnerable to collisions and other dangers. At least 100 million birds die every year from colliding with buildings in the United States alone. Artificial light also impacts birds in the breeding and winter seasons, disrupting feeding and other vital behaviors. Because artificial light affects birds in so many ways, it is impossible to know just how many birds are impacted by light pollution ever year around the globe. This WILD program will highlight the importance of reducing light pollution while celebrating migratory birds.
No registration is required for this free program. WILD is a monthly program designed to get kids off screens and outside exploring nature.